Monday 6 October 2008

Nochnoi Dozor, AKA Nightwatch (2004)

Like before, I'm not going to outline the plot blah blah blah too much, at least not in exposition-stylee, I'm just going to talk about the film.

Basically, this was marketed as the biggest Russian film ever, despite having a budget of just $4.2million, compared to the $63million budget for what must be considered it's American counterpart, The Matrix (1999). I have to say that it lives up it's billing. This film feels epic. Not just the century-spanning story, but the wealth of characters and the intricate nature of the plot.

The acting here is fairly good, but like I mentioned in an earlier entry, I don't really know if they are acting well, because they're not talking English, so it is very difficult, maybe impossible, to judge how believable their delivery is.

There's not a lot to say. However, if you saw Wanted (2008), this is by the same director, There is a sequel, Dnevnoy Dozor, AKA Daywatch (2006), and another is due in 2009, called Sumerechnyy Dozor, AKA Twilight Watch.

Basically, if you like sci-fi/action, and don't mind reading subtitles, this will be a winner for you. It's fantastic.

1 comment:

Bob said...

This sounds great. Sadly, it is most difficult to get foriegn films here where I live.